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Devops is not a job title, it’s a style of work.

I highly recommend the book by Jeffery D. Smith Operations Anti-Patterns, DevOps Solutions. I believe he has hit the nail on the head. DevOps is about softening the edges between traditional development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops).

“DevOps is about people first, then process, then tools”

Many organizations make the mistake of focusing on tools first to solve their operations issues. Instead you need to achieve “buy-in” from the team. Most problems are people problems (communication, knowledge, training, foresight, planning) and not technology (tools) problems.

The CAMS Model

The CAMS Model is a set of values used by many successful DevOps focused organizations. I won’t go into detail since this has been widely covered elsewhere, but improving on these 4 pillars is key!